Online URL Encoder / Decoder

Search Engine Optimization

URL Encoder / Decoder

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About URL Encoder / Decoder

URL Encoder / Decoder

About URL Encoder / Decoder

URL encryption, also known as Percent-encoding, is a method of encrypting data in a Uniform Resource Symbol (URI) under certain conditions. Though it's known as universal resource locator encryption, it's really employed more frequently at intervals the most Uniform Resource symbols (URI) set, which includes each Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and Uniform Resource Name (URN) (URN). As a result, it's also used in the creation of "application/x-www-form-URL encoded" media type data, which is commonly used in the submission of HTML type data in communications protocol requests.

Characters allowed in URL

The characters that can be used in a URI are classified as reserved or unreserved (or a PC character as a part of a percent-encoding). Characters with reserved meanings are ones that have specific meanings. Forward slash characters, for example, are used to distinguish between totally different components of a universal resource locator (or additional typically, a URI). There are no such meanings for unreserved characters.

Saved characters are shown as exceptional person groupings when percent-encoding is utilized. With every adaptation of the principles that manage URIs and URI plots, the arrangements of saved and open characters, and subsequently the conditions underneath that some saved letters have unique significance, have changed marginally.