Server Status Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Server Status Checker

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About Server Status Checker

Server Status Checker

Server Status Checker Information

The status of your server may be determined by looking at the HTTP or HTTPS response from your website. It indicates if your website's answer is online or offline. If it's down, it means your server isn't up and running or isn't responding properly right now.

SEO Tools Kit's Server Status Checker Tool

The Server Status Checker Tool assists website owners in determining if their website is now offline or online. Status codes are returned to your browser every time you request a website. When something goes wrong, your browser will display a notice that says "Something isn't correct with error code provided, e.g. 404".It is a smart habit for a webmaster or SEO expert to verify the server status of their websites on a frequent basis.

SEO Tools Kit's server status checker is a free utility

Note: Each server status code implies a different meaning. Server Status codes of a different HTTP response with their meaning are mentioned below as follows:

200: This code shows the server's status and whether or not it is operational.

301: It denotes that a website's address has been permanently relocated to another location.

The number 302 indicates that the server has discovered a temporary site redirection.

It denotes a failed request.

Unauthorized access is indicated by code 401.

403: This indicates that access to a specific page is restricted or that you do not have access to that page.

404: It stands for "Page Not Found" and signifies that a certain page does not exist.

410 is a similar number to 404.

Internal Server Error is indicated by the number 500It indicates that the server is unavailable.

Server Status Checker's Advantages

The server status controls how quickly it responds to page load times. For a decent ranking of your site and to give a pleasant user experience to your audience, it is critical to check their response time and status.

If you find the status offline when monitoring it, you can take important efforts to get it online. It’s also beneficial to visit all of your favorite websites at the same time. The Server Condition Checker utility can quickly determine the status of a server and offer accurate information.