Find DNS records

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Find DNS records

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About Find DNS records

Find DNS records

The Domain Name System, or DNS for short, is the advanced data store of the internet. Because it is the world's largest advanced information repository, DNS stands for Domain Name Server. It’s similar to the Internet phone book, where the IP address serves as a phone number and the space name serves as a contact name.DNS workers keep track of space data, and asset records are used to add space data to the DNS system. The use of asset records allows workers to share spatial data.

Every website is given an IP (Internet Protocol) address. The information provided in a site's DNS records instructs a web worker on how to respond to requests about space in the most efficient way possible.

The Significance of DNS Records

The following are the different types of DNS resource records:

  • Type A indicates that an IPv4 address has been assigned to the record.
  • The presence of an IPv6 address for the asset is denoted by AAAA.
  • The CNAME kind indicates that the hostname is pointing to another hostname.
  • A postal worker identifier is denoted by the letters MX.
  • The Name Server for the space is determined by the NS postfix.
  • The SOA stands for the State of Authority and denotes the last time the space was renewed.
  • SRV, which stands for Service, represents the TCP administration utilized by the area.
  • A TXT record can be used by the website administrator or SEO to insert any text into the field.
  • PTR files are pointer files that are used in turn-around queries.

    How to Use SEO Tools Kit's Find DNS Records Tool

    If you need to find DNS records for a specific location, you can utilize SEO Tools Kit's Find DNS Records tool, which will retrieve and display them for you. To do so, go to the SEO toolbox, scroll down to the instruments section, and click the 'Discover DNS records' icon.